Rich Snippets

SEO Package For Google Rank Zero (Position Zero)

Ranking 1st Page in Google is nice,
Ranking No 1. Position is great, but there is something even BETTER : Ranking Position ZERO.

What Is Position Zero (Position 0 ) ?

Position Zero (0), also known as “Rank Zero”, is a feature that Google has implemented since year 2014. The "Position Zero" ranks higher than the 1st position in Google search result and that’s how the term “position zero” comes from.

The content of the “Position Zero” normally is provided in the form of "Featured Snippet" that gives a summary of the "Best Answer" to the searchers.

What Are The Benefits To Rank Zero Position in Google Malaysia?

  1. Rank Zero is ranked higher than 1st position. In other words, you defeat those who rank on 1st position. 
  2. Rank Zero content's font size is bigger than normal listings in Google search result. It makes the Rank Zero look outstanding.
  3. By default, Rank Zero is considered the "best answer in Malaysia" for the question that searcher asks. 
  4. Rank Zero increases the chances for searchers to click and visit your website. 
  5. Rank Zero helps to build your brand name and online reputation.

Which Type Of Website Could Rank Position Zero Google ?

Any website can rank Position Zero. There is no evidence that any particular industry or any type of websites Malaysia (Educational website, Government website, Business website, etc..) is preferred by Google to rank Position Zero.

How Could My Website Rank Position Zero In Google?

There is no any guaranteed method to rank Position Zero (position 0) in Google Malaysia. Google selects the website for Position Zero based on its relevance to the search query and other search engine optimization (SEO) ranking factors of the website.

However, if your website has a unique and comprehensive content that answer to a specific question with proper Structured Data (Rich Snippets) format, then your website will get a higher chance to rank Position Zero.

What is Structured Data ?

Structured data, also known as "Schema Markup" or "Rich Snippet", is originally coming from the website, it was created by a collaborative team from Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Structured data is a code in a specific format that written for search engines to understand. You may come across below search results with structured data:

(structured data with Questions and Answers)

(structured data with Star Rating and Reviewer)

(structured data with product photo, star rating , price and availability on mobile phone)

Above are some examples of structured data. There are many structured data formats available and the list is increasing. is still developing different type of structured data.

What is Your Rich Snippets SEO Package Price?

Because of there are many types of rich snippets and different type of requirements from clients, we could not list out the full package price here. Anyway, our rich snippet package is affordable, the price starts from RM 1,200/ 6 months only.

Why Structured data/Rich Snippets is important in Malaysia ?

Structured data is not new in overseas. Many website owners already implemented structured data few years ago. If you search for some products in oversea, i.e. USA, you will find that many websites in the search results are equipped with structured data/rich snippets.

However, not many website owners implement structure data in Malaysia. Some of them don’t feel the urgency to implement, others just simply don’t know how doing it. Just imagine, if you are the ONLY website in Google search result equipped with rich snippets, i.e. Star rating ★★★★★ and reviews, your website will become outstanding compare to other competitors, even you are not ranked #1, right?

That's been the reasons why we introduce our latest SEO packages with Position Zero and Rich Snippets. If you are interested, just fill up the form below or Click here to Whatsapp us.

Make Your Website Outstanding in Google with Position Zero / Rich Snippet Now !

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